E1: 20 Questions
Question 1
Q: What is the best food for a hot summer day?
A: Those ice popsicle things.
Question 2
Q: When is a normal time for you to go to sleep?
A: Between 10pm and 12am usually.
Question 3
Q: What is your favorite bird?
A: Globally? rockhopper penguin. Locally? northern shoveler.
Question 4
Q: How do you pronounce .gif (the file format)?
A: With a g sound like in graphic, you know the first word of the acronym.
Question 5
Q: Does it truly matter one way or the other how someone pronounces it?
A: No and I might start saying it like GEE-if just to be extra different.
Question 6
Q: What's the weirdest dish you have ever tried?
A: Various fried bugs in a college class.
Question 7
Q: Which text editor program should we be using for the first exercise?
A: If you have to ask, Atom!
Question 8
Q: What's your morning routine?
A: Wake up, check email and weather, brush teeth, run or bike, eat breakfast, shower.
Question 9
Q: Any podcast recommendations?
A: Scratching the Surface if you are looking for a design theme.
Question 10
Q: What's your major?
A: I have a Bachelor of Architecture from Virginia Tech and a Master of Fine Arts in Graphic Design from RISD. If I did it again I might choose furniture design.
Question 11
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: Two cats live in my house, a grey one named Lola and a black one named Riva.
Question 12
Q: What is your current favorite music album to listen to?
A: One of my favorite artists at the moment is Gregory Porter.
Question 13
Q: Who is your favorite graphic designer?
A: Historically? Maybe Bradbury Thompson. Currently? I enjoy the work that The Heads of State and Order make.
Question 14
Q: Favorite music artist/band?
A: I think the last full album I listened to was "i,i" by Bon Iver.
Question 15
Q: Favorite thing to do in quarantine?
A: I like sitting on the couch and watching mindless movies? I don't know if that is my favorite thing but it is certainly something I enjoy doing. I also like going outside to make sure I get up and move around from all the sitting. That might be my health's favorite thing.
Question 16
Q: What's your favorite dessert?
A: Häagen-Dazs vanilla ice-cream with caramel sauce and crunched up honey graham crackers.
Question 17
Q: What is your favorite horror movie?
A: I am not a big fan of horror movies so the list is small for ones I have watched. Rotten Tomatoes lists Zombieland as a horror (and comedy) so I would have to say that, Zombieland. Shaun of the Dead also lists horror as one of its genre's so that one is up there too. There is a zombie theme here but I think that is because of the horror part not because it is all I watch...
Question 18
Q: If you had to pick a superpower what would it be and why?
A: At this exact moment, is being immune to getting or giving illnesses a superpower because that would be great right about now? If that doesn't count probably the ability to read people's minds. I think it would come in really handy with teaching.
Question 19
Q: Who’s your favorite character from a book, show, game, etc?
A: Abed and Troy (from Community because I watched that relatively recently and someone else posted about it) are (two of) my favorite characters from a book, show, game, etc. I think their relationship in the show and their personalities was great and added a lot to that show.
Question 20
Q: Is if there is any type of specific art you like?
A: I don't know if it is "specific" type of art but I enjoy screen printed posters whether they are for something (like DKNG gig posters) or more art based (like Jonathan Lawes or Spectral Nation). I like the poster format/size and I think the quality of screen printing is really nice with how colors are blended and overprinted.